In the Beginning
Vassana Services Limited was еstаblіshеd in 2014 and is owned and operated by a small team of individuals with Eva Ssanyu Nabunya as the CEO and Founder. Eva is a Business Administrative Consultant with over 20 years experience gained from working with international corporate organisations, private businesses and non-profits.
Eva’s work has taken her across 3 continents and seen her work and collaborate with world renown brands like Walt Disney World, Sleek Cosmetics, NHS (UK), New Wine Church (UK) and more. Her professional experience includes VIP event planning, social media marketing, customer service and executive administration.
Eva’s motivation for starting this company was her passion for seeing companies grow their businesses through events. She saw an opportunity to partner and add value to entrepreneurs, small business enterprises and startups, and to help them work smart, market one-to-many and increase their profitability.
Vassana is on a mission to provide the highest quаlіtу of сustоmеr sаtіsfасtіоn аnd sеrvісе tо сlіеnts who want to use events to connect with their audiences, build a loyal following and grow their brands and business.